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New York City Flyer Design Company

New York flyer design services

What makes a flyer good?

One word: response.

Flyers are there to do a specific job and they need to be focused with an effective call to action that compels a reader feel the need to take the action. Yes, designs, colors, and high quality pictures are important but ultimately, the goal of a flyer or leaflet or handout is to cause the reader to do something specific – not just like the pictures or design.

Before designing a flyer, think for a moment about the end outcome you want to reader to take. In many cases, the flyer is just the starting point to get a person into a sales funnel. With this in mind, then perhaps you need to reconsider the message on the flyer.

Is it clear what the reader needs to do? Why would they do it? Why wouldn’t they do it?

What action(s) will the flyer begin? All these questions need to be answered before even worrying about the actual design.


NYC professional flyer design

Flyers are direct advertising, they are there to get a message across, and the information printed on them need to hook the reader. Often they are handed out on the streets in busy areas, or are delivered through doors. Again this is a consideration, and depends on the content of the leaflet.

Custom flyer designs that generate results

We now need to look at design. Considerations need to be given to the demographic of the target market. Think about the age, older people need larger typefaces, if they have to look for their glasses you have lost many at the first hurdle. Get the message at the top, the message needs to get people reading on.

Add images, but only if they enhance the design and re-enforce the message. Using an image that is not in any way related to the message can be very distracting and can often result in disinterest in the message or at least in a sidetracking of the train of thought, the buying process.


Product Sales Flyer ny
new york flyer design

The best flyer design service creates action!

When writing the copy, remember the old acronym of AIDA:

– Attention
– Interest
– Desire
– Action

A flyer’s content needs to follow this sequence in order to get what you want. Be bold and tell people exactly what to do. The key to deliver information in small focused chunks.

Huge blocks of text will turn people away from reading, and end up in the trash.

Creative flyer design

Believe it or not, a common oversight when it comes to flyer design failing to have prominent or complete contact information.

Along with your call to action, a flyer should have the most accurate details to contact your business.

Additionally, a flyer should be somewhat personalized and directs the reader to contact a specific person instead of a general phone number or email address.

As unimportant as it might seem, adding a precise invite to contact a specific person will likely increase the response rate.

Flyer design services ny

The physical attributes of a flyer is based upon its audience and intended use. Paper weight, density, colors, fonts, images, designs are all relative to your desired outcome. The most important factor is that people feel compelled to read it and take action. The team at VSL Print can help give you feedback and ideas when it comes to your flyer design needs.

In summary:
1. Get the message clear
2. Know your market
3. Use images that enhance
4. Decide where you will distribute
5. Choose the right paper
6. Focus on the client/customer

Follow the above considerations and you will have a good leaflet that will get you the response you require.

VSL Print has the best team of flyer designers in NYC


VSL Print has an innovative graphic design department and we can bring a vision to an impressive outcome. VSL Print serves both the local New York City area and have the capacity to work with local, nationwide and international clients. Think about us for the future print job. Also, VSL Print’s additional services include Binding Services and Specialty Design Services.

We serve both the local New York area and with the ability to serve local, national and global markets. We specialize in designing business cards, logo design, brand design, catalogue design, print design, billboard design, brochure design, poster design signage design, pamphlet design, banner design, flyer design, taxi top design, bus wrap design, vinyl graphics design, building building wrap design, and more. 

Get a hold of us immediately to learn how we can help your next printing projects.

Contact VSL Print (Varick Street Litho) Regarding Your Projects

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